

Not An Angel
She deprived her daughter of a happy childhood and commutated her with a much older man.
She always preferred her sons over her daughters
She imprinted seeds of violence with her words and actions in everyday life
Yet she finds it hard to comprehend why her children succumb to diabolical ways to deal with life. She tainted the entire bloodline
She carries the pride that she goes to catholic church every Sunday, claims non goers of church are demonic
Yet in her words and actions not for a moment I relished the love, goodness , and judgement of Christ.
She was unfair to her daughter ,robbed the childhood of her own children
And I see the flow of History repeats itself , as I watch her being unfair to my sister I forlornly watch the flow of tears from her large comely eyes, suffused with despondency.
My writing is a source of pain for many people
Calling me vile but your silly name calling won't alter the piquant reality .
I am aware that Christ knows even though I don't go to church every Sunday.
© Nabam Kamzang