

Equality begins within!
You say that I'm privelaged.
Because of the color of my skin.
my circumstances were no better than yours.
I grew up poor, white and underprivileged.
I don't even know where to begin.
Please do not persecute Me for old sores.
I don't owe you anything more than you owe me.
I had nothing to do with my forefathers sins.
Why do you need to settle the score?
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Nobody wins.
Nobody....wins. except the powers that be.
We're all just human beings, born equal from the start.
Let us judge eachother by our character and what's in our hearts.
Let us not dwell on the past, for we do not live there.
Let us pass eachother with a smile, instead of a stare.
It's time for us all to unite, set aside the hate.
For the devil does not discriminate.
He's an equal opportunity destroyer.
I'm not saying we should shut the door on the past.
Let Us use the knowledge to create a brighter day.
Then we shall all be, "Free at last".
I'll gladly fight and die next to you, if needs be.
To see that future generations will only know equality.
Let us all bow our heads and kneel before the lord.
To give thanks for the differences that make us unique.
Ask for the strength to think before we speak.
And ask that He forgive those who can't see past the color of skin. To bring them the enlightenment to start seeing people for who they are within.

© James L. Babcock Jr.

Special Acknowledgement to Dr. Martin Luther King. for using the phrase "free at last" from his famous speech "I have a dream".

Credit due to the New Testament for the phrase: "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."