

That's not love!
let understand this together loud and clear...i know it's gonna be a bit tough...believe me it is for me too,

Repeat after me dear,
It's not love if your respect is not at all valued by the person you loved!

It's not love if you're told what to do,what to wear,whom to talk with,whom to go out with,cut ties with your friends without your consent!

It's not love if you ever feel suffocated even in the presence of your loved one..and if your small mistakes turn to blunder and aggression!

It's not love if you'hv a constant fear that if you do what you love might hurt that person and the person takes the control of your decisions!

Bae,it's time to wake up...to understand that,this is not love!
© Ray
I felt that too...now it's really the time to give up and know your worth....