

Will you mend my broken heart?
Note:- I wrote this poem to show my true feelings. What I feel. What I want. Some people ask me, 'why are you always sad?'

The answer is, I'm broken. Faced too many fake promises, smiles and love. I wrote this poem to show you all, what I feel daily. This poem has been written in lot of pain and sorrow.....


In the depths of night, I silently weep,
Lonely tears, no comfort, no sleep.
Betrayed by trust, left in despair,
No one to soothe, no one to care.

Watching lovers, their joy so bright,
Envy stabs, a painful blight.
I yearn for a heart, pure and kind,
A soul to understand, to ease my mind.

To wipe my tears with tender grace,
To hold me close in a warm embrace.
In her shoulder, my sorrows would fade,
In her love, sweet dreams are made.

I dream of her, with love so true,
A girlfriend to share the skies so blue.
With her pure heart, she'd heal my pain,
Together we'd find joy again.

Her touch, a balm for wounds so deep,
Her presence, a promise I could keep.
In her eyes, a world so bright,
In her arms, the darkest night feels light.

I want to cry on her shoulder, without shame,
Feel her warmth, whispering my name.
To sleep in her embrace, safe and sound,
In her love, true peace is found.

I long for a love that's gentle and pure,
A heart that loves, steady and sure.
No more tears, no more cries,
Just love's sweet truth, no more lies.

In her, I'd find my truest friend,
A love that would never end.
Together, we'd face the storms and rain,
And in her love, I'd live again.

Her laughter, a melody, soothing and sweet,
Her love, a rhythm, my heart's steady beat.
Through the pain, her smile would shine,
A beacon of hope, eternally mine.

When the world turns cold and gray,
Her warmth would guide me, show the way.
In her embrace, I'd find my home,
With her, no longer would I roam.

Her kindness, a shelter from life's cruel storm,
Her heart, a haven, ever warm.
In her presence, I'd find my peace,
From all my worries, a sweet release.

No more nights spent in silent tears,
No more shadows of past fears.
With her, each day would be anew,
A life filled with love, steady and true.

Her voice, a whisper in the quiet night,
Her touch, a comfort, soft and light.
With her, I'd find my strength and grace,
In her love, my rightful place.

Together, we'd build dreams so grand,
Hand in hand, we'd understand.
A future bright, a life so fair,
With her love, nothing could compare.

In her, I'd find my heart's delight,
A love to hold through darkest night.
With her, I'd face each rising dawn,
In her love, forever reborn.

I don't have much expectations from her,
No need for wealth or looks to confer.
I care about love, honest and true,
Just want a girlfriend, who loves me too.


Just, give me some love... Please?