

"I'm always late!
Especially when I try to start on a clean slate."
"Oh my love, be patient with me," she cried!
"I'm not always on time."
"Oh my love, be patient with me,"
She always spoke, but in the form of a mime.

She even sang,
"Be patient with me,
I know I'm not early,
But it's not a reason to be surly.
Be patient with me,
Just wait eagerly.
Wait for me and I'd come out dressed pearly.

I'd love to leave my blue,(Her reasons she made known)
To be anew.
Wait for me to accrue,
It might be difficult, but in the end I'd always come through."

Yes she sang, she spoke, and even cried,
But to who?
Because in the end we heard all her words, but never did her lover.
© MuNaLiSa