

Letting Go of You
With the last look from you
I smiled, sending a kiss your way
But not of love as I turned from you slowly
A finger in the sky, make that two
I whispered to myself, "I'm finally free from you"
I chose to walk a life according to you
I now choose my life how I want too
You held me down for too many years
I'm now ready to live how I was intended to
Stars light up the midnight sky
As one flys by I'm captivated by it's glow
I was always afraid of the dark
As you probably know
Now I can walk through a black room
Without you to show
So as these things start to change
I erase you from my mind
In the midst of pain I forgave you for your ways
I can now let go from who I thought I was
I'm finding who I truly am
I can't forgive you for one thing
That is for not seeing who I really was
But one thing is for sure I love me
And as for the man I'm with now
You were wrong
He loves me for me

© Kayla M