

When will i escape from this cage,
When will i become a free man,
When will i stop dreaming,
When will i start working,
When will i start presenting my thoughts,
When will i librate from past,
The pain of my misdeeds,
When will i move on,
When will i write down all my thoughts and thinking,
How long will i be a slave of depression,
How long will i keep postponing what i need to present,
How long will i keep dreaming about my career,
Why can't i start my presentation today,
When will i earn with my thoughts,
When will i invest with my writing skills,
When will i get rid of overthinking,
How long will i keep moving on with heavy load,
Heavy load of my past,
Load of past, full the sack,
Sack, that make my movement slow,
Sack, that is enemy of progress,
When will i drop it,
Am sick of all this,
It's time,
Time for me to change,
Time for me to evolve,
Time for progress,
Now, am on my fit,
Am ready to move forward,
Am ready to progress,
Am ready for liberation,
Am a freeman!
Yes, i am...
Yes, i am....
I am me,
Am not perfect, and nobody does,
Nobody is perfect, but am somebody,
Am ready for change.

© ibiyeye sheriffdeen