

The Deserter
It was the wettest desert I'd ever been in. Ocean.
I called it for how dry and heavy the water flowed.
Hot air moved dead ground to make it so called.

I saw God, before i saw God.
- I told God to hold on, while i was letting go.
Though it was me who needed to get a grip.

And so, i so on'd; carrying on farther away.
He, rummaging my heart for a room set for Him.
All I felt were empty knockings, so well unprepared.

I was so cold. Pumping pipes of silent smoke.
How could this engine run, shovelling charcoal into burning ice, while feeling Gods scold?

What to think when the sun shys and reddens.
Obscuring itself behind the clouds, embolding them,
Showing men, even through the see-through,
You only see what He chooses, just before it sets.

I've seen quieter nights in the eyes of rabbid dogs.
Me, foaming at the soul, in pity, at my loss of Him,
Shaking the snake bitten tendon off my left foot.

Of thyself, you shall find drink, for He will show you how to sustain, so long as you ask to seek and find,
The hidden oasis behind the eye of the eye.
He sees, you look through.

Remembering pleads, i'm reminded that He,
Is always around, always in me.
I'd never escape.
No matter how far; the love, that He completes.

© Haiych