

The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,

All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
No idea when this will end
boredom creeps around to stay

and the comfort of our own house feels like a cage
The streets feel cold and lonely as fear is there to stay

Stores run out of business as noone is
willing to keep there and pay

Parks are empty and the swings sway along with the wind
There is no one there to play

Everyone is imprisoned in there homes
We never thought we will be so lonely

But this infection has put us in this nightmare

everyone is trying to get away from this infections way

Social distancing has pushed even the most adjacent away

The fear of who next you will be meeting is scary

But no worries humanity has got over the worst of Issues
This one is just another bump For us human race

Ans we will get over it . We will always do!