

Sweet Lies

Her face braced with seductions,
Into a sink of fallacy
She lured him into.

Months past and heart
Thought it was love, but
The ghost who knew cried.

After the wedding, it was like jollof,
Then the chameleon changed,
The skeleton was revealed.

Money, and other little things
She came to get,
And she left nothing alive.

Magically, the party is now a war,
He was put behind a bar,
Now, the imposter rides his car.

He couldn't bear it,
"My dearest dear" turned to

The serpent revealed herself,
Days spent in dirty waters,
Depression walked in.

Suddenly, a sickness it became,
No food, no peace, blood
Became clearer than water.

Six feet down the ground,
Lies sank in his bones, togethe
With the dust, they decay.

Days full of traps,
The search of love turned
Into a swift death.

© Habakkuk Kargbo(Rabbi)