

Haunting thought
I drown myself in my own thoughts
indulging too much in an unsought negativity
And I can't help feeling sentiment to fraughts
myn mind no longer taste serenity.

my very own psyches became an enmity.
ain't no longer hast the strengths to encounter
I thought slumbering could fetch tranquility
but to my dismay,it would bring only a nightmare fantasy.

lingeringly deeming for a soul to comfort me.
but at the end of the day,recline uncomforted.
my mind deprived me of from my youthful joy
caught on with an emptiness ..fill with dullness.

woeful when my childhood days were bright.
knowing no sense of depression.
"can't help,can't help"...whispering slowly.
I indulge myself in this thought,tears rolling down on the cheek.. trying to comfort myself...

telling myself to put on myself... coz I have a miles to go,a miles to go..to make my dear one proud