

An ode to December.
In December's dance, 'neath snow and mist's embrace,
polar winds weave tales, a sacred space.
valleys, needle leaves in whispered song,
cherry springs tingling, as autumn weeps along.
ethereal shades, metal rays entwine,
chill's sweat kissed off a canvas, so divine.
breeze's tip-tap, a rhythmic romance,
white pearls dripping, winter's tearful trance.
November fades with a subtle air,
yellow mustard scents, a yuletide affair.
life's fading plumes in December's room,
lucid warmth and frozen gloom.
within this verse, a sacred decree,
our lord Jesus, coming tenderly.
to heal my babe, in grace profound,
December's whispers, a healing sound.
mitten tales passed to January's grace,
a poetic journey in December's embrace.
