

lazy morning 🌄
Good morning! good morning!
I wake up very late not because I want,
I go to work late not because I want,
l take break first late not because I want,but cause of the early morning lazy feelings.

Good afternoon! good afternoon!
I eat my lunch late not because I want,
l finish my after work late not because I want,
At times I miss some activities like TV shows not because I want but the laziness of the mornings has affected my day.

Good evening! good evening!
I leave work place late not because I had more work than the others,
The owners of cubs charge me alot not because am going a far distance but they are working out of time to pick us the lazy ones so an increase in price would work for them,
So the solution to all these problems that come all your day wake up early and try to fix you day in a smooth way.

Wendy 😍 love