

A Smile that is astonishing .
No seat to sit .
No car for travel.
He lives in the middle of hustle & bustle.
With the noises all around , he is struggling each day to make it to live .
Not much to eat .
Not much to wear .
His life goes on as such ,
With a tiring work of manual labour .
His life is destined to be uncertain.
But he has something , that is astonishing me as well .
" His Smile "
" His Smile "
The face that is shining , with internal waves of satisfaction.

Satisfaction of ,
" Making happiness with few pennies"
" Building his home with love ".
" Becoming a king for her daughter ".

His smile is astonishing .
Yes it is ,
With the eyes filled with love for his daughter .
A single photo of his teaches a lot .
What is happiness ?
What is life ?
what matters most in life ?

© Mridul 🦋

#LifeQuote #poetry #love #deepthoughts #happines #morningvibes