

loves you mommy .
The fragrance of my childhood,
Hides in the folds of your embrace,
the stress for my future and the love for my present,
can be seen in your eyes,
the care that you always tryna to hide by your harsh words when we made mistakes,
do everything it takes to make us eat,
the smile that never fades from your face,
still remember the way we cry on the first day of school and also remember your tears as well,
the funny lullaby and that stupid stories you've told us,
now rembering that makes me laugh,
no matter how good you were in pretending to be brave ,
in night's we've heard your sobbing,
no matter how many mistakes you make ,
you were always perfect for me,
you were there when I take my first step,
you were there when I fall and cried,
you were there when I said my first word,
you were there cheering for me when I got my first prize,
you were there to pull me when I want to die ,
now I'll be there beside you till I take my last breath.
_fate writer