

Who Would I Be?
Sometimes I wonder who I would be
If I had never endured this tragedy
Would I have emotional stability?
Would my relationships be healthy?
Would I be okay being lonely?
I wonder what my world would be like
If it didn't have triggers
Scattered before me like land mines
Could I read Morrison and not cry?
Would I look at my house and not wanna hide?
Could I eat a mushroom and not wanna die?
The truth is
I don't know who I would be
If my past wasn't plagued with agony
If I would have the same sexuality
And that truly scares me
How much of me is a product of that?
Is there any part of me I can claim as my own?
Is my whole self shaped by their filthy hands?
Would I still devote my life
To caring for children without them?
Who would I be
If they never did those things to me?
Would any of who I am today, remain?
Or would I be completely changed?


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