

LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER I come before You in the Precious Name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST and give all thanks to You. LORD our God bless me with the strength and determination to always put my Faith in You regardless of the situations I find myself in. God , today , I am a year older on this Beautiful day and it is all possible because of Your incredible love and endless mercies. God my LORD I come down on my knees to thank You from the depth of my soul for Blessings me so lavishly with Your Choicest Blessings . God thank for my loving family, friends and love one's. LORD, I offer this year to You, use this another year of my life for Your Glory and fullfill Your will in my life. This life is Yours and I hold the gift of Your eternal love closest to my heart. Thank You LORD for Your presence in my life and grant me the strength in mind, body and spirit. LORD fill my mind and heart with Holy Spirit and guide me to follow Your faithful way in this life .I only ask LORD always walk with me and shine Your light upon me on this day and always . I pray this in Your most Blessed , Beautiful and Mighty Name , AaaMmmEeeNnn !!!

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