

How bad can it be?
I still can't figure it out
But it hurts than a sting from a bee
It makes me wanna scream and shout

But even if I do, it won't help
It's just that I can't call it hell
Can I beat it to a pulp
If I try, I hear 'STOP!'

I have a very beautiful family
But with tears of joy I love'em
In times of trials, they won't let you be
They stick around never compromising their theorem

But nevertheless,some relatives are super annoying
The most annoying ones are my friends
Out of the most annoying, there's a most annoying
And still my friends with my secret, ends me

Coz you've got all of me in your palms
You hurt me and never ,even, offer a balm
I feel like hurting you for hurting me
But I just can't do it, so I hurt me

I promise you, you hurt me more than anybody
But you can't tell when you hurt somebody
For the first time, I let my feelings out
I hope you realise my hurts one day

© Queen Ova