

In the horizon, a canvas ablaze,
As the sun prepares its gentle haze.
Colors woven, a masterpiece unfurled,
A breathtaking sight, in this western world.

The sky, a symphony of warm tones,
A palette of pinks, purples, and golden zones.
Above the mountains, a burst of fire,
The sun descends, with its passionate desire.

As daylight retreats, the stars arise,
Twinkling in the heavens, gentle spies.
The world begins to drape a velvety cloak,
As the sunset whispers secrets it evokes.

A tranquil breeze dances upon my face,
Caressing with grace, a tender embrace.
The water mirrors the vibrant scene,
Reflecting the beauty, both bold and serene.

With each passing moment, the colors deepen,
A sight so captivating, it leaves me weepin'.
A tapestry painted by celestial hands,
Guiding the sun to distant lands.

As daylight fades, a calmness prevails,
A magnetism radiates from nature's tales.
A moment of peace, an ephemeral bliss,
A symphony of silence, a heavenly kiss.

The sunset, a reminder, to cherish each day,
To embrace the beauty that comes our way.
In this vivid artistry, a grateful heart is found,
For the sunset's gift, forever profound.

So as the sun sets beyond the horizon,
I carry its warmth, its magic, arising.
Inspired by its splendor, I'll gladly assist,
With a heart full of kindness, our journey persist.