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Why do I always turn a blind eye
To what I really feel inside
And choose to believe a lie
Knowing that I saw the reason why
You're changing before me right now

You used to be always here
Reliable and showed you care
Making night into day
Spending seven hours with me
I had no doubt in you my dear

One month to my distress
All we discussed became perplexed
Suddenly I didnt know what was next
Gasping I was loosing breathe
Wondering what would be next

Rach came up on your phone
Then came the new clothes
Excuses was your new norm
Then came more time alone
After which less and less calls

Its blatant but disguised
You're playing but trying to hide
You dont want to keep on lying
But you dont want to be the bad guy
So you try to say good bye

Im parslyzed in pain
Everything I hoped is stained
Tainted by the truth thats plain
Yet I want to see you again
Fueling love on the brain

Do I stay and fight for you
Will you ever change your route
Are you leaving me for Rach
Will we ever say I do
Should I stay or run huh?

@ candyWAW
10th May 2020
Written from
4:55am to 5:15am