

The first time I heard her voice,my mind was elevated,
Like alcohol I felt intoxicated, craving for more.
The first time I looked into her eyes,
I was levitated by its beauty.
Her fairness was undefined by nature,
Roses were demeaned by her image,
She was more beautiful than the setting sun.
Her mind was a subtle picture only gods could understand,
Philosophy could not explain its complexity.
Her reddish lips shared a duality in divinity and humanity,
It made philophobia fade away.
The passion with which she made love was phenomenal,
An aphrodisiac that did not lose its potency,
Once,only once did we make love,
Yet those memories trapped my soul in a loop.
A one-night stand turned into an addiction,
Avocation Into passion, she made a new man.
Her seductive glamour allured both genders
She showed a predilection in flirting,
Breaking the hearts of her lovers,
It turned Casanovas into preachers,misogyny became society.
Our one night together wasn't enough for me,
I wanted more;a dream that could never materialize,
A taste that could never be quenched,
If I had listened to the Casanovas sermon,
I would have bewared of the tricks of Delilah
© Pierre_Jr