

Will this pain ever end?
For she is completely drained.

In this realm of expectations, she stumbles,
Longing so fiercely, she disrupts her humble.
Overthinking, her mind tangled in maze,
Fantasizing of moments, lost in a daze.

The billions of chapters of this adventure,
The multitude of challenges it offers,
All seem so heavy deep inside,
An uphill battle it sounds to hide.

Life is full of shadows that she was forced
to prefer darkness,
A lot she fails to express.

Restless eyes, tranquil heart,
concealing the pain inside,
playing their part.

Displeased with people,
Drowning in false promises,
Hard to bear, the heart can't fathom,
What pleasure universe sees in being flawless.

Something has been lost, something left unsaid,
All dreams are incomplete and
every desire unfulfilled.
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