

Difficult to love
Will you kiss my scars,
Will you look at me with love when I look at myself with hatred.
I'm beat and bruised,
Scars forever,
My body and my mind.
Will you still love me when you find me on the floor,
Pills in hand?
Will you still love me when I hold the blade to myself,
Will you still love me when I'm bleeding,
Will you bandage me up and help me through,
Will you still love me when I can't even look at you.
I'm trying and failing,
Will you be there to catch me when I fall,
Will you still love me when I don't come back home,
Will you love me with all my flaws.
I'm a hard one to win,
Not because I'm special,
But because I'm difficult,
Difficult to deal with,
And difficult to love.
Will you love me even if I might not be there the next day,
This world makes it hard to stay long enough to love you as well.
Please don't love me when I'm no longer here.

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