

Pride Month
Pride is good in small doses.
It can be a beautiful force,
Raising our confidence,
Elevating us.

It can harm people.
Too much becomes poison.
It's like a drug:
The right dose saves lives;
An overdose erases them.

Too much pride becomes an addiction.
Addicts can only get it
From people around them.

Pride month is a celebration of confidence,
The ability to be honest,
And a way to ignore unfair judgement.

When someone has too much
They're always wanting more -
Withdrawal makes them
Insecure and anxious

Too little pride
Becomes a different poison,
Solved by self expression,
And celebration.

For some,
Pride parades in June
Keep them sane and happy.
For some,
Pride is more than a desire.

If something keeps you sane,
It's a need.
The right balance
Of pride and humility
Is certainly a need.

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