

For sure it's true!
Apart from beauty,
It's true that God gave you
a warm and kind heart
so that you can win the hearts of
strong and genuine men,
it's true that God gave you
a gift of art and creativity
so that you can fill this world
with skills and knowledge,
It's true that God gave you wisdom
so that you can solve the
unanswered questions,
And in so being... it's true that
He gave you almost everything.

for that case our God really
deserves to be appreciated,
and in so doing, every day and night
you deserve to be hugged by someone,
you deserve to be kissed by someone,
you deserve to be loved by someone,
and all in all you deserve
to be someone's soul mate!

If possible I would love
to be that someone,
but it's also true that where's
I was born in Kamwenge
you were instead born in Durban.

it's however very true that such
a barrier can be overcome....
because if it requires sailing along
the Limpompo river i can afford it,
if it requires riding my horse down the Trans-Africa highway i can afford it,
and even if it requires walking
with my bare feet i can afford it also,
just to make it to Durban!

I definitely can afford to do
even much better than that!
And actually I badly need to do so!

I really wanna to do that,
but before I can pack some water
and roasted potatoes into my basket,
i do request that you give me
your assurance.

Please tell me that it's true that
every day and night I too deserve
to be hugged by someone,
tell me that I too deserve
to be kissed by someone,
tell me that I too deserve
to be loved by someone,
tell me that I too deserve
to be someone's soul mate,
And finally affirm to me that this
someone is nobody else but you!

Please let me know!
Just let me know!
Because shortly after
that you shall hear me nock
at your house's door way.

© taremwa: 27th June 2022