

From the East #writcopeomchallenge#coronavirus

It rises from the east,
She brought along the beast.
With the speed of a lightening,
Amongst us, the fear heightened.
It pushes through the green zone.
It spits and spreads and groans.
Along it way turning everything dark.
Poisonous to the lungs it attack.
The earth cannot breathe it wears a mask.
Quick to snatched the aged and frail
Oh, it covers everything with dust & ashes

The stranger from the east.
Came unexpected to destroy, kill and to feast.
To a halt on mankind actions.
She swore to reach the four corners and causes extinction.
In this race, she is faster.
Dynasties crumbling without an heir
Hunger is greeted with chills and aches.
Cough and sneeze the appetite forsakes.
Skyscrapers and empty streets are all we see.
Cover under the sheet of materialism is the vanity we cheat.

She rises from the east,
And everyone retreats,
into the safety of their cave.
Afraid of her wrath, a name ahead engrave.
A darkness has fallen upon us.
The happy new year they say but never told us that the queen is worse.
Everyone has dropped their phones
She has all the attention she wants as she sits on her throne.
Washing of hands is never enough.
The elbow holding droplets is tough.
How fresh can the air be yet we are terrified to take it in.
Surfaces are all infected we are all afraid to touch the bin.

The sun will rise from the east again.
Daylight and rays our faces it stains.
Waters are cleaner, the sky is clearer
Animals are out with a torchbearer
This earth belongs to us all,
We have to stop with the brawl.
We are in this together,
Yet, social distancing is a bother.
As mankind go back to his selfish ways.
What the queen’s name again? We blaze, Corona they all call out, while we gaze.
The only question that needs an answer now is, are we really the Victim or the Virus?

©Dasalonetiti Rahima .