

Salvation of a Hell's Tenant
Pity excites no such
essence of retribution,
inpentinent idiosyncrasy, but of
revelations that pour
a perpetual multitude of
questions upon man's
content be the soul of
man to heaven but of hell, eternal anguish
undoubtedly from that of
celestials above?
Oh, such merit melancholy upon thy
a catastrophe documented
amongst catastrophes...
having no beginning or end but lasting for all eternity
Oh, who be I to grasp
the souls from tis
fiery inferno
in means to provide
sanction, the breath
of the earth,
the substance only desired
inevitably once in the grasp of hell with one's
Oh, Father...grant thy
Such a request by only your acclamations
and acknowledgements
oh but I be only man to heaven as God to
man of strong will, valor,
an impenetrable posterior
as that of Zeus or Hercules...
oh what a fool I'd be to dwell on such thoughts
only bed ridden for a feat,
such a request
can only be hoped for,
dreamed of,
conjured with the depths of an earthly vessel
witnessing such a sentence
dwelling from the secular above
experiencing on this earthly realm
as that of the perpetual flames
of the ultimate adversary
bestow upon me such an essence
to plunge, deep within the darkest depths of hell
as my flesh burns to
save such souls
past burdened with the
acknowledgement of eternal
bless thee with redemptions
of the earth's stratosphere...
oh but Lord, hear my
plead with thy cry
For deep grievance plangued my heart...
Oh Father
as that of a mother who bears
the lifelessness
oh her child; still born
as that of an animal
on the brink of desperation
descending from the departure of its mate
oh God
Divine intellect
of the highest essence
For as hell burns
this vessel burns of a condescending nature
as that of the equivalence
of the heathen that walketh
upon this fiery inferno
for this
an inferno with insomnia...
never sleeping
yet always desiring more

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