

Dear Stranger,
In the twilight of my soul, amidst the flickering glow of a fading ember, I find myself kneeling, wrapped in shadows and whispers. The soft echo of a yearning heart fills the quiet air, as my spirit reaches out through the veil of the unknown, seeking the touch of your unseen presence.

It is in this tender half-light, where dusk kisses dawn, that I pour out my silent prayers, weaving them with hope and a gentle longing. I call upon the soft glow of your being, a light yet to be discovered, that it might illuminate the dim corners of my solitude.

Though our paths may never have crossed, and our voices remain unheard by each other, I send this prayer into the vast expanse, a silent wish for connection. May your soul find this whispered plea, and may we, in the stillness of the night, find solace in the shared glow of our unseen light.

Yours in the quiet of the evening,
A Kindred Spirit
© poembyselly