

My 2 choices
If only our lives here on earth came with an instruction manual the day we were born. Then maybe I wouldn't be stuck in between two choices in my life with no idea which to choose.
The confusion that I carry within me, I carry so heavy upon my back that everyday is a struggle everyday I find it more and more difficult to breath deeply. not knowing what to do. afraid of the outcomes. anxious, worried what will happen to me if I make the wrong choice. will I forever be filled with regret and sadness. will I slowly wither away each day because of the guilt I will carry for making the wrong choice, or would I finally feel piece inside of me because I finally made the right one. Afraid to be judged and criticized that I failed to choose correctly. not wanting to feel shame that I didn't choose the one he wanted. will they call me selfish?, will they say I have no heart?, or will they smile and tell me I did great.
© Stephanie hernandez