

Softly Pours~💙🤞🌧️

Whispers soft, rain's spell,
Enchanted night, fantasy's dwell. 🌧️✨
Moonlit glow, souls entwined,
Mystic View, Heavenly Bind. 🌙💫

Gentle drops, passion's dance,
Two souls lost, in love's trance. 💃❤️
Eyes meet, sparks ignite,
Rain-kissed lips, pure delight. 👀💋

Light blocking magic, some words shared,
Enthral Euphony, in the air. 🌟🎶
Raindrops fall, like fairy's tears,
Love's magic, erasing fears. 💧✨

Hand in hand, souls unite,
Under stars, desires takes flight. 🤝✨
In this moment, laying my head over grass,
Toot the twilight, tinted with purple like glass. 🌾💜🌅

#RainyNightEnchantment #FantasyLove #MoonlitMagic

© CelestialImagination💫