

African Child Woes
In the heart of Africa, a child's tears flow, Amidst the shadows, where despair does grow. Woes of hunger and poverty, they bear, Their innocence lost in a world unfair.
Under the scorching sun, they toil each day, For a morsel of bread, they earnestly pray. Their tiny hands, calloused and worn, Dreams shattered, before they were even born.
Their laughter silenced, replaced by silent cries, As they witness their dreams fade before their eyes. Education denied, their minds left untamed, A future stolen, their potential maimed.
Yet, amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope, A resilient spirit, refusing to elope. Their smiles, a testament to their strength, Defying the odds, they go to any length.
Let us lend a hand, break the chains that bind, Empower these children, so pure and kind. For in their hearts, lies a world of treasure, African child woes, we must endeavor to measure.Together, let's build a brighter tomorrow,
Where their dreams can flourish, free from sorrow. Let love and compassion be our guiding light, To uplift these children, shining so bright.For they are the future, our hope and pride, Let's stand by their side, with arms open wide. African child woes, let us erase their pain, And let their dreams soar, like a gentle rain.
© thekennyadetule