

Why I Love You
I love you. I like the way the thought of you tumbles and bounces in my head and gently rests in my innocent subconscious.
I love you. Your arms feel more like home than any place ever did.
I love you. I always liked the sound of your voice, how it makes me calm every time.
I love you. Your laugh alone, can cure all the sadness and ache I have ever felt.
I love you. You’re smart and dedicated to your job and to the things that you do.
I love you. You’re always saving funny memes on your phone just to show me, because you want me to laugh at it too.
I love you. I like the way you get mad at me every time I say that you're eating too much.
I love you. You told me you have a bunch of pups at home that you cuddle with, and I like puppies.

I love you.

You are my every reason, every hope and every dream I've ever had.
And no matter what happens..
I will always love you.

© Jay Faigmani