

In the room of damned It's the
people that made me realise my worth.
From the harsh of sun to the pleasntery of
the moon...

It's just the peace we seek in form of justice
Wanted by everyone, Deserved by some,
had by none......

Still we chased it with the sheer will..
It didn't get me anywhere rather just a cup
of coffee in my hand
while sitting on an oldcranked chair.....

But my mind what does it say?
Give me a life to cherish,
for what I was born for.. Equal share of pain to make my soul sure.. Having the ways to
escape but still trapped inside the shallows
of people......

Of what they say, won't give me the peace
Of what they think won't give me the

Chase the passion with ur heart For that the
world will bow down to that art

Learn the sense of where you belong because they are the ones who will keep you
strong Still,
in the face of reality I lost the touch of it

For the Keeping of peace pushed myself of
the brink.. Still it's just the imagination that
gives me that feeling
because that's what keeps me alive and that's
what make me not allured to death.

© Life in motion
By- someone I know 😁