

When you go on a date...
When you go on a date,
With the person you call your soulmate,
Why do you try to impress them?
By showing your money and your fame?

Why do you demonstrate your wealth?
Why do you showoff your physical health?
Why do tell them I have this car...
Why do you try to be a person, you not are?

By doing this you think,
She will give me a 'Yes' Blink...
But actually does it work that way?
To attract someone, is this what you have to say?

Well, why don't you do this...
Tell your whole story and life-list...
Are you afraid of being judged?
Are you afraid of being rugged?

Tell how you became this person...
Tell what all you learnt lessons...
Tell her about the way the world you see...
Tell her about your own family!

Ask her why she is , the way she is...
Why she thinks life is a bliss...
Ask her about how she uses her time leisure..
Ask her how her life she measures?

Your looks , your money, might...
Eventually lose and dim their light...
But the inner qualities that you both share...
Will be the ones that whole life are there!

If you really want 'her' in your life...
Be as open as you can, maybe she can be your wife!
Be honest and say what you want...
Without blame or without any taunt...

It's that simple. All you need is...
Being honest and respect her please...
Move slow, and not desparately fast...
To build a relation that actually forever lasts!

- Sahil Dhobale