

Final destination

Terrified to think about it
Being shocked by the news on it
Crying and saddening at new residence
But it's every man final destination.

We can't deal with it or bribe it
Be the rich man or the poor man
Be the righteous man or the wicked
There's no way to escape that evil.

We don't know how it comes
Sometimes it's a surprise
Chilling enjoying with someone
And after a while seeing them silent.

We don't understand how it chooses
Beautiful babies and adult people
Beloved parents, siblings and family
They go seeing them and can't stop it

It frightens us but it's necessary
It's the only way to start new life
And we all have to pass through it
As it unites men with their creator.

The problem remains the one
How you are going to leave others
What is the heritage will remain
Be prepared to avoid unexpected end.

© Eric B Kwizera