

Is this the place?
Is this the place
where the fragrance of
the past never fades ,
where that one heartbreak left
us in a labyrinth of anguish,
where people sit next to us but
never ask why we don't start
conversations anymore
where mirrors lie they
don't show our real side ,

Is this the place
where humans forget themselves
and collapse every moment in
the fear of becoming someone
they won't recognize,where words
prefer to remain unsaid rather
than reach one's ears ,
Where the night comes not for a
slumber of solace but for tears of chaos,
where music can no longer calm
the storms raging inside us..

Is this the place
Where no one comes when
we scream and no one understands
the language of our silence beneath
our unshed tears ,
Where the stars don't shine when we're dim,
Where butterflies fly by singing our favourite song but their beauty no longer excites us..

Is this the place
Where the wind hugs but can't comfort us the way it used to when our pain wasn't stronger than our confidence,
where our safe space behaves like a place where the echo of our old laughter haunts us,
Where the warmth of the morning sun can't melt away the heaviness of last night ...

Is this the place we call
the first floor of depression?
