

Reflections On the Beach
I dare tell this story.
Nonetheless someone needs to know.
There's a place where time changes.
At least I think so. Sometimes when
I would sit there, or sometimes
when I would stand. My feet were
planted down, in it's rainbow
colored sand. Its dunes are quite
mystical with shapes so untold.
Enchanting and alluring reflecting
my inner soul.It is there that I
meditate, a tranquil place to be. I
ponder and consider, reflecting on
life's key. If you look in the
distance where the land meets the
sea. An awesome sunset resting, oh,
so majestically. The suns orange
glow daunting a sky, wrapped of
blue. You would think the Lord had
adorned it, especially for you.
Close your eyes breathe slowly. I
will take you there. Now, recite
this phrase calmly and then let go
your air..

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