

Shady Feelings
"I'll face my fears" i told myself,
better to cry now than cry forever.
Foolish of me not to know,
this will last forever.

Became the shadow you never saw,
your likes and dislikes,
i made mine also.
Turned your prisoner even
without knowing.

Love shouldn't have chose me,
or I should have looked the other way.
Every breath chokes me,
I now know, you would
never choose me.

Slowly declining into my shell,
embracing my bad habits once again.
"when did i become this way?"
I ask myself.

I settle to be your prisoner
adore every crumb of affection,
i get from you.
I realise now,i would never be free
from the shackles of love,
I put around myself.💎

© dh_iamond

© dh_iamond