

Wine and whisper.
This world is no longer sweet,
These people no longer seem genuine.
Everyone is just sinking into the ocean of greed,
And trapped in a game of lust.

Loving or building a relationship with them seems scary,
Trust issues, anxiety, depression, and fear are better than them,
At least these emotions won't betray or shatter your trust.

Yet, I am one of those
Who fill wine glasses to their rim
Even for strangers and loved ones of mine
But now my vineyard is drying
I am out of wine, and storms are destroying
The vineyard is in moan, and clouds are crying.

Nourishing the land, and soon spring will arrive,
Buds of grapes will bloom, and my vineyard will shine.
Now, I won't fill wine to its rim,
But I will find
Beneath the purple stars and green vines,
Only the lucky ones get to see a genuinely warm soul.

© Nainika and Poshiv