

Sleeping Beauty

Air compressing my chest, please help me breathe
The cutting words repeating over in my head
A few words, deep in meaning
A few words,
bringing pearls of tears to my eyes
A soul has gone
It has left us behind, wallowing
She wrote her story in the eternal book of life
In the uncertainty, she mastered her fate

Ending the pain, she decided
No more suffering, no more delusion
Our eyes will no longer lay on her angelic smile
Our ears will no longer hear her melodic giggles
For on a sunday, she dimmed the lights behind her eyes.
For on a sunday, she filled our days with unanswered questions
For on a sunday, our sleeping beauty forever slept

Oh excrutiating pain, oh murderous ways
That found shelter into our homes
God of the heavens
We beg and pray to thee
Help us heal, help us to let go
© Kendjana