

l love you, is in our heart beat
When we get closer, you indite so elaborately,
Regarded as means of expression,
Worth more than love in reality,
A combination of visible and meaningful impressions Am loss within a strange feeling that take away my breath, my blood start to race out of control. Words i speak everyday come out am speaking in tongue, sweat pouring down my body like a rain drops fall in my river of my emotion cause a ripple within my life. I must admit am normally a confidenant man around the opposite sex, this goddess same to snatch my breath away. Am gasping for air she is enjoy seeing me struggle to breath like a cat finds a mouse plays with its food before she dine on my flesh. Lean over an say to me, your caught in my webs i will drank your essence so i can feel all your purest of love will flow with mind giving me a fully body organism. She start to quiver like earth quake i held her tight an said melt in my peacefully loving arms alow my voice to be the calm blowing breese that ease all the stress within your body. She look at me an said, your a sweet talker my mother told me about guy's like you, i have to be a stronge will to resist your loving ways. I said lets surrender to each other pure fire burning inside our hearts, allow it to burn away all our selfish an bad habits we do everyday bring a pure in 2 mind an 2 hearts beats has one soul mate eating soul food so we can give each other a stronge love. We found out that family an friends dont want us together they try everything to tear us apart. . We foight back put a deep pain stay deep in our heart to see people we love dont care about us been happy. So we eleminate everyone went half on a baby , spend all our time loving each other an our baby bring together two families got one knee asking you to be my wife you said yes jumping up an down in pure joy saying yes a milion time. Baby i love you with every fiber in my essence, she said with a joy in heart you giving me one thing that cure the emptiness in my heart a family that love more. than life