

No Violence Against Wombman
She's older than democracy
and wiser than Socrates;
these fools approach her, taking violence in their hands, instead of entreating her with diplomacy.
They invade her like Iran.

There are tears in her eyes and
blood bleeds from her pores;
she no longer knows glory or sees heavenly things;
in fact, all she now knows are the heavyweight and frightening sounds of bombs dropping against her floors.

Her sons live for the fun of war
and daughters, only recently have they won a voice;
the two are still passionately divided over the cake of freedom.
Although sad to say, but some people want it all.

But if this cake is to be rightly enjoyed,
Justice is the utensil.
Washington, London, Jerusalem; Moscow, Beijing, Tehran; Damascus, and every other capital must be given a pastry fork.

For there will be no peace as long as a man bears war within his heart,
but there will soon be no heart if we do not disembark the path of war.

Free our planet from captivity!