

Do you remember
When we played in the rain
Once or twice
Then our parents grounded us
And we learned not to do it again

Do you remember
When we learned to kiss
Behind the counter
In my mother's shop
But we were caught
And whooped to hell and back
Such a funny memory with a sweet scar

Do you remember
When you took me to the church
Very late at night
When noone was there
And we pretended to get married
I walked down that aisle

Do you remember
The day you told me you loved me
We were at the beach
And it became my favourite place to be
Then you took my hand
And led me to the sea

Do you remember
When you got accepted into college
And you were mad i wasnt going
And we were going to be apart
We had a big fight
And you broke my flower vase

Do you remember
All the nights i called
And we talked for hours
Mended each other's hearts
And planned our future together

Do you remember
All the promises you made me
That when you finished school
You would wed me

Why don't you remember
All those things you said?

Because while you were saying them
You were bedding another
And you made her your woman

Of course you don't remember
All that we have been through
For I am just another girl
That you grew up with
Like Lisa, Billie and Anna

And though it breaks my heart
That you dont remember all these
I try to forget
But I do remember
The moment you said "I do".
