

Caring Anger
It's clenched jaw and tearing eyes
It's the kiss that melts the frost
The hug that crushes the soul
The hold that wilts the flower

It's fragility - weakness
Undetered by the vile thorns
Vile thorns that poisons and kills
Poisons love, kills care and me

It's fire that's blazing and blue
Azure fire that they call weak
Fire is red, chaos, burning
Not blue, bright, serene, calming

I know wrath, I have felt it
I know raising of voices
I know hurt, and too tight skin
The rage that thrums through the veins

But not your kind of wrath, no
I know not the cold, dead want
I know not the uncaring
The chill that creeps in their lungs

My rage is for, not against
My rage is because I care
My rage is because I love
Too much, too soon, and always

© Drei A.