

The Remarkable Death
Remarkable was the day of your birth,
Remarkable was your childhood,
And the years that followed too soon,
Remember your journey one last time,
Before you close your eyes...
for the cold, inevitable, and absolute grasp of death was evident upon you.
Your grin was so wide when you stared at the person that sat by your death bed
Her wrinkled hands cupped yours as she smiled back at you.
Life may have been unfair to you,
But it was obvious Love took resident in your heart and stayed.
She bent over and kissed your head
"finding you as though you were my purpose was the best thing I did", she whispered.
You saw me staring in confusion at the show of emotion
" All of my possessions and achievements aren't with me in my final hours, but my love is with me. I smile because I did right by her... young man, find love", You said
You must have remembered your journey one last time,
You closed your eyes and took your final breath but you left a tear that poured down the side of your head,
Was it painful to go?
Were words left unsaid?
Were you sad you left her?
I had so many unanswered questions
Remarkable was the day of your death...

© Olatunde Gbenuola