

My fate lies in my own hands
My days are numbered not by the relentless pounding
Not by withering away
Not by any accident

They will stop like the ticking of a crimson clock when you yank away the chord and wrap it around your throat
Numbered by my crooked calendar
Stop when i lose it all
My faith falls out of my body to the floor beneath my dangling feet
My soul descends
They end when I stop caring about who'll miss me
When i get some actual skill in this corpse i walk in
The ability to use words to say what i feel
To say its not your fault
To say i still love you
To say i still care
To pour out my soul
To share all the secrets i couldn't even look to you when i beheld the thought
To just write the fucking note because nobody cares anyway

Cuts are temporary
Scars fade
Pain leaves you grasping pleading crying for more
Death is forever
Cuts ae temporary
How long will it be enough?
I yearn for something to give me more
Or something to cure me of the twisted sickness
But death is forever
So I cut
Its good enough for now

Claw out your eyes
© A_Human_Bean