

It is finished
They stripped him
and put a scarlet robe on him,
they twisted together a crown of thrones,
and set it on his head;

They put a staff in his right hand,
knelt in front of him and
mocked him saying,
" Hail , the king of Jews
they spit on him,
struck him on his head
again and again mocked him.

They took off the robe,
put his own clothes on him
and led him away to crucify him
teachers and elders mocked him,
"He saved others , but can't save himself."

They need him on the cross,
the pain exaggerated greatly
hoping for the crown from his father,
for he fulfilled his ministry.
He cried ,
He wept,
in a loud voice
for he knew the hour has come
and so he gave up spirit,
saying ,"It is finished."