

it was a time

It was a time of sleepless nights
When hearts like mine would stay awake,
Bringing back memories that had been buried
In the deep abyss of shallow graves.
It was a time of holding hands
When hearts like mine would hold on tight
To the souls of others, lest it falls
Into the darkness of another night.

It was a time of different songs
When souls like mine would sing aloud
To the thunderous beating of a million hearts
And stars still dancing on smiling clouds.
It was a time for you and I
To open our hearts and close our eyes
For future is not only meant to be seen
But to be felt and to be lived.

It was a time of joyful tears -
When eyes like mine would flow like rivers
Arms outstretched in total surrender
To inexplicable happiness stirring within us.
It was a time of love and hope
When arms like mine would open wide
To welcome the whole of this beautiful world
As it draws me nearer to it's side.

It was a time to write anew
When words of mine would come alive
To speak of beauty, to speak of truth
To speak of the joy of living life.

It was a time of sleepless nights
When hands like mine would write of dreams
When the world I created would come alive
And wake me up from my endless dreams...
© Timsquite