

Lep je ovaj svet

Kao ruža,ljubičica i svaki drugi cvet

Samo ga treba sagledati očima

I posmatrati svemir noćima

Bog nam je dao priliku da živimo

I niko ne treba da je skraćuje

Da ,ljubičica vene ali samo ako je ne čuvaš

Svako cveće vene ako ga dovoljno ne gledaš

Da li sam rodjena da ja možda budem ljubičica, ili neki drugi cvet

A možda ipak nisam cvećka,

Jer u današnjem veku teško je uklopiti sebe u svet.

Da već je proleće,ljubičica sve više,

Trava sve lepša,a ljudi sve više koji to uništavaju, priroda se ne vidi

Ona se takođe oseti na svoj način

Ljubičica plava ili bela,

Kada ubereš za ženu ona je srećna cela

Boja i količina cveta nisu bitni,kamoli njegova cena.

Važno da je to kupljeno od srca sa namerom da nekome ulepšaš dan.

(This world is beautiful

Like a rose, a violet and every other flower

You just have to look at it with your eyes

And observe the universe at night

God has given us the opportunity to live

And no one should shorten it

Yes, violet withers but only if you don’t keep it

Every flower withers if you don't look at it enough

Was I born to be a violet, or some other flower

And maybe I'm not a flower after all,

Because in today's century, it is difficult to fit yourself into the world.

Yes, it's spring, more and more violets,

The grass is getting more and more beautiful, and the people who are destroying it more and more, nature is not visible

She also feels in her own way

Violet blue or white,

When you harvest for a woman she is happy whole

The color and quantity of a flower do not matter, let alone its price.

It is important that it was bought from the heart with the intention of brightening someone's day.)