

A magical scent .
Let me rest
The hustle and russles
In my mind
Just until
All the nonsence
Chitter chatter
Stays at bay .
just so i do not sucide me
Lets put your head back
Relax under the sky .
Sit alone
Ask the flowers
Of eden
To dance on your head
Whilst you lift up your aroma
Relax can you smell
The sweet scent
Surrounding you
With a gentle pillow
Of sweet lilys
Holding on to you
You are as beautiful
As me
You just got to see
So you can
Take back your essence
Little child inside
You fight your feelings
With flow Relax
You are
To always feel this free
So let it be ..
let it be ..
let it be
You are deserving
Of this peace
Relax ....

© amanda ajobrien